Saturday, January 7, 2012


I know that many of you, like me, are extremely concerned about the the direction America is headed.  Also,  like me, you have probably listened to many talk shows whose hosts have given us many answers to the how this nation can be turned to the right direction. I've talked to friends who agree with much of what they say.   But, it seems we're still headed in the wrong an increasing speed.

Something must be missing.  An airplane needs fuel to run the engine.  A propeller to provide thrust, wings to provide lift, a vertical stabilizer and elevators to provide direction and a pilot to make sure they are all utilized at the proper time and sequence.  If any one of these is missing, it will never get off the ground.

As the engineers and architects of the government and economics of our country were debating what kind of government our American civilization should have, the debate started to become very uncivil.  Being alarmed at this, one of the oldest and wisest of the men at the convention to revise the Articles of Confederation addressed the convention, and its president. George Washington, with one of its longest speeches.  In a short excerpt from that speech in 1787 an 81 year old Benjamin Franklin said:
"......I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of the truth--- that God governs in the affairs of men.  And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?  We have been assured, sir, in the Sacred Writings, that  'except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.'  "
They did seek His aid and the fledgling United States of America defeated the most powerful military in the world and in a few years became the most prosperous and blessed people on Earth.  With His aid they got the ship of state off the ground and soaring to undreamed heights.

Fast forward to 2012.  We are still flying high, but I fear we are only gliding, propelled by our virtues of the past.  As we pull back on the control trying to keep our nation's nose up to maintain altitude we are losing speed.  Why?  We have substituted worldly values for Godly virtue and are fueling the economy with fiat money - counterfeit dollars backed by nothing - printed by the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.   The  stall warning light has come on and the alarm is buzzing.  Both are being ignored.

If we continue to ignore the warnings, our ship of state will suddenly  stall, go into a spiral dive, and crash into the same oblivion as so many nations before us.  It doesn't have to end this way.  We still have a good engine - our Constitution and the Bible - but its power has been hidden by the revisionists.

Step One
Pray that we and our nation will see through the fog of deceit.


  1. Hello Defender! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns with us and giving us another venue for sharing our points of view ... we could call it "Occupy Defender!" :-)

    Firstly, I have noticed in emails from others and those I have forwarded that we (and perhaps they) tend to send our forwards to only those with whom we agree, thus "preaching to the choir" and not really making a difference in the thinking at large. Personally, I have only three people who are not Republicans to whom I have tried to send conservative postings only to be told that they don't appreciate them, which rather explains why more of us shy away from expressing our views to those we know don't agree with us. So where does the dialog begin that will truly make a difference?

    Secondly, Regarding unemployment in this country and our government approved practice of outsourcing which, as I understand, began with NAFTA, during the administration of our Republican president George H. W. Bush. During the many Republican debates, I have never heard anyone address repealing NAFTA in order to bring those jobs back home to help our workers in the USA. I wonder how entrenched we are with other countries in all the free trade agreements that exist and what it would take to un-entrench ourselves.

    If these concerns of mine are not in the discussions you wish to take place in this venue, please let me know. Thanks for the opportunity.

    By the way, I like your introductory statements here.
    Ron in Florida

  2. @ Reinaldo
    Thanks for the input. I'm part of the choir and there are a lot of songs I don't know or fully understand the parts. Keep preaching! The enemy wants us to think we're alone or in the minority. They use the Delphi Technique to divide and conquer in getting humanists/socialists programs implemented. When we think we're in the minority we are more likely to concede and give up our position.

    As for reaching those who don't appreciate the info we send them; don't force it. Occasionally send things you think they might consider. As things have gotten worse, I've seen people change their positions 180 degrees. Me included. As events unfold people will understand what we fear. They're not afraid now, but as Yoda said to Luke when he said he wasn't afraid,:"You will be! You will be!" Then they'll be ready to listen...if it's not too late.

    Regarding unemployment. As you inferred, both parties are a problem. But the stem problem is uninformed voters who elect candidates who don't follow the Constitution. The root problem is an education system that graduates new voters year after year, who don't know the Constitution or why it was written the way it was. The tap root to our religious heritage was severed in 1963. In Washington's Farewell Address he stated: "Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds....reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

    By the way, the media is reporting unemployment in Colorado around 8%. The Colorado Dept. of Labor and Employment's figures show it at almost 20% in Aug. 2011. I expect it's higher than that.
