Friday, January 13, 2012


In trying to decide where to go next, I feel like a Siberian in an American grocery store.  So many nourishing products!  How do you pick the best (most relevant) product to bring home to your family?

My objectives in this forum are to defend God's word, our freedom, and the Constitution.  What should be our foundation for any of our endeavors?   Truth.  Psalms 119:142  states, "Thy law is truth."; Ps. 119:151 "Thy commandments are truth."; 119:16 "The sum of thy word is truth."  Jesus told the people (John 8:32) " shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."  If the truth makes us free, logic would imply that lies and deceit will make us slaves.

In speaking of the Sodomites in Romans 1:24 , the apostle Paul writes, "....they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.....".  In II Thess. 2:9-12  Paul warns the Thessalonians that if they don't love the truth, "God will send upon them a deluding spirit so that they might believe what is false."

Mention of  "the creature" in Rom. 1:24 brought to mind the book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by
G. Edward Griffin, about the Federal Reserve. It and its name are good examples of how others deceive and enslave us.

The first three things we should know about the Federal Reserve System are: it is not federal, it has no reserves, and the Federal Reserve Banks are not banks.  What then is its purpose?  I'm glad you asked :).

This is my understanding.  The Federal Government taxes us.  They use a very small percentage of our taxes on matters that are constitutional and the large remainder on unconstitutional programs, departments, and bureaus - or as our Founding Fathers stated in the Declaration of  Independence, "...erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent out hither swarms of Officers to harass our People,and eat out their substance."
Why do our elected representatives allow this to happen?   Either they don't know the Constitution or don't respect their oath to uphold it.  Plus, they know that most of the voters don't know it either.  Therefore, they create programs, projects, or handouts so the people will keep electing them, and they create legislation to reward those who support and finance their re-election.  And what do the people do?  Re-elect them. : (

So?  You ask. (I'm enjoying our conversation)  How does the Federal Reserve fit into the scheme?

After the government has spent all of our taxes (willingly donated, of course), they "borrow" the money we paid in for our social security.  (security??)   All that's left in the account are I.O.U.'s.  They don't invest well and pay no interest.  Oh, yes, the purpose of the Federal Reserve, the most insidious taxing agent in the world.

Taxing agent?  But I thought their purpose was to protect us by regulating the banks and the money supply?  Stated purpose, yes.  Real purpose?  Create money, out of nothing, by the printing press or electronically, for the government to borrow so they can raise the debt ceiling and keep on spending.  ( National debt is currently over 14 trillion)   The FED loans it to the government and the banks at a low interest rate.
We, the working people, pay the interest on this counterfeit money with currency of real value earned by blood, sweat, and tears (real work).

Wait a minute!  You said the FED created something out of nothing.  I thought only God could do that.  Okay,  you're right.  They didn't create anything of value, only the illusion of value.  Let me explain it this way:

A vendor makes a pot of soup, rich in food value.  One bowl provides enough energy for the whole day.  The pot starts getting low, so the vendor adds water, with no food value, to keep it full.  Soon a person requires two bowls to have enough energy for the day.  As water is continually added it requires 3, 4, then 5 bowls to get the same energy.  But it happens over time and you get used to having to eat more or pay more for the same amount of food value.  They've created more soup, but its food value keeps diminishing.  How does this translate to the value of the dollar?

In 1972 a nice house sold for $17,000.  Forty years later (2012) the same value house sells for $170,000.
In 1972 a gallon of gas. cost around 35 cents per gallon. now it's around $3.50 a gallon. A 1972 car sold for $3000.  Today the same value car is $30,000.  It takes $10 now to buy what $1.00 would buy in 1972.  What happened?

Inflation: an increase in the money supply with no value backing it.  Our money has been watered down. That dollar you put in savings 40 years ago will now buy 10 cents worth of product.

Forty years ago the U.S.A. was the world's largest creditor nation.  We are now the world's largest debtor nation. [Edit: as of January 20th, the US is the world's second-largest debtor nation, surpassed by Japan after their recent natural disasters] 1  We, as a nation, are in debt that we have no ability to pay, to China and other nations.

Proverbs 22:17 says,  "...the borrower becomes the lender's slave."

The Federal Reserve isn't the only "creature" making us it's slave.  There are many other "creatures" prowling about.  I Peter 5:8    Don't be deceived.  Know the TRUTH.

                                                                    For Christ,

1. 'What the Next Decade Holds for Commodities' by Frank Holmes
     Kitco Commentator's Corner, January 17, 2012

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