Can truth be told with intent to deceive?
Why do the courts compel a witness to swear (or affirm) "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"? Because they know a half truth or partial truth can be deceptive.
"The sum of Thy word is truth." Psalms 119:160
Most people get information of current events from T.V., radio, or newspapers. Our children get information of how the world works, or is supposed to work, at school. How accurate is this information? Is there bias involved or even outright deceit?
In the January 3rd Iowa primary the news media reporting the event, an extremely close contest between the two front runners, called Romney the winner when 99% of the vote was counted. Shortly before, when Santorum was ahead, they said it was too close to call. One percent of the 99% (approximately 120,000) already counted is 1200 votes. Only eight votes separated the top two candidates.
I continued watching while the network gave commentary and interviews, but the vote totals were never updated. That seemed strange so I looked at the six individual counties whose vote count wasn't complete. Their voting totals ranged from 79% to 95% complete. Their vote totals weren't changing either. Strange.
Through using on-site information I was able to calculate that Santorum was the winner in Iowa's primary. My calculations were confirmed over two weeks later when the official vote count was released. Or were they? The January 18th vote totals were less than the January 3rd totals. Very strange.
Ideology drives the bias of the Main Stream Media. Between 1990 and 2010, The Communication Workers of America donated $26,305,500 to the Democrats and $125,300 to the Republicans: a 200:1 ratio. How biased is that.
Power drives the heads of the two main political parties. "We" must win at all costs, no matter how many of our principles we have to leave in the mud. Go with the candidate who, by hook or by crook, can win the most delegates for our team. We cannot lose our power base.
Neither party seems to be concerned whether or not their candidate will follow the Constitution, and the Main Stream Media's ideology is contrary to the Constitution. Candidates who base their platform on the Constitution they're sworn to uphold, if elected, are ignored or disparaged in any way possible. We're told they have no chance of winning. So...what do we do?
Go to the polls,
And hold our nose.
Do what we're told,
Watch victory(?) unfold.
What do we get?
More bureaucrats....yet?
We think we've won,
Our due diligence done.
Of two paths we can choose,
But it's only a ruse.
It's not the path, fast or slow,
But the direction we go.
How can our Nation defend,
From the cancer within?
If God's Word we misuse,
Down the tube, light the fuse!
If we continue this way,
Down that path from the Son.
All that's left me to say,
"Look out Rome, here we come!"
Let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for your rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God [Exodus 18:21]. . . .If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted. . . .If government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.
Noah Webster (1758-1843)
Don't be deceived into voting for ungodly, unprincipled men who say one thing, then do another.
For Christ,
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